Friday 14 April 2017

Portfolio Writing a trip to moon

17-Feb, 17                                                                                                              Tuesday
Portfolio Writing
                        Hi! My name is Condor Hacks. I’s an astronaut. I work for NASA. One 9th February, 2004 which is today, I’m going to the mood for a check as Apollo 29, and then after checking out the moon, I’ll go to the International Space Station (ISS). I’ll land over there, to the ISS to, take some pictures of space, collect some supplies, and take a round of inter-galactic Milky-ways in space, and again take some shots and come back to earth.
                        So, in the evening, I left for space-As my rocket gained energy, everybody, including the general saluted me. I felt very proud and full of confidence, and devoted to my goal very much.
                        As my rocket escaped from the atmosphere of the earth, everything started gaining dark colour in it, and suddenly in with the blink of an eye, everything was dull and black and I realized that my dreams came true and I was finally in outer space, and my crew was as happy as me by this wonderful experience.
                        I started taking pictures of everything from every single angle, and noting down every one of my space movements. As we were travelling through space to the moon. I made myself comfortable with my gadgets off and laid down in a sleeping station and slept there.
                        When I wake I couldn’t believe my eyes, I was so proud of myself, I was on the moon. The ground was filled with grayish-coloured soil and it felt like soft, deep foamy mattress. I dug my country’s flag deep into the ground, and saluted the flag, went back to rocket waved good –bye to the moon and flew off to the ISS.
                        As we reached the ISS, we (me and my crew) I charged our gear, dropped off some supplies, picked up some gadgets, finally made some calls with our department officers at NASA and some local schools to wish them luck for the future one share our experiences with the children.
                        So, I set off to explore galaxies and saw beautifully lighten stars and their shines. Finally, I had finished my journey according to the checklist which I had made, I left the space for my return to Earth.
                        As our crew’s rocket reached the earth’s atmosphere, we prepared ourselves to land and Thank God we landed safely and securely, and one thing was definitive to be said, “Mission Accomplished”.



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