Friday 14 April 2017

Portfolio Writing It’s Me Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

14-2-2017                                                                                                                              Tuesday
Portfolio Writing # 3

It’s Me! Ah! Ha HaHa Ha Ha Ha!

                        24th, doc street, H: 49, Melbourne, Australia, on 28th of November. Bill Walter, the cool guy on street turned up. As he was walking down the street, in a second, at least 25, people stood up around him. The crowd was walking around him like bees around a flower. Somebody asking him to make friend’s whit him on Facebook, somebody asking for water somebody to be his beast. Finally, after being tired of All of them, he at them all to leave me alone.
                        Well, this was he was the kind of kid, you know he was always very rule to everybody. As Bill walked down the street he took two rounds of the walkway, and went again into his house. He was alone. His parent were on a very important business trip.
                        He heard some voices in the empty house but thought it was loneliness, but again heard some voices. As he took rounds of the house, he didn’t find anything and anyone, but, suddenly, when checking out the dark, and empty store-room, he felt a presence of something behind him. When he looked back, he saw a large, Mysterious, showy Shadowy figure; dressed in a black cope, and as it took off its cape, He (Bill) was extremely terrified to see a Skelton underneath! He raised his voice and said “it’s Me, I am the Grim Reaper! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!”
                        “No!” He (Bill) said, “I don’t want to die ‘now’!” “Nonsense! I have just come to give you a nice field trip to hell”, He said.
                        After saying this, Mr. Reaper made a hole in the wall with his thin, sharp scythe. The hole was totally magical. It was like Hypnostic Reaper took Bill into the hole, who was totally unconvinced to go with.
                        As Bill come through the hole, he saw that he’d entered a place, on environment which had real clouds and red sky. Everywhere people were like zombies and were standing in cues, waiting for their turns, to get punished! “This is what will be left of you, if you continue your attitude like this!” and as soon as Grim said that, through the blink of one eye, he (Bill) was back in his world in normal life, like nothing had happened!

                        But after this incident, Bill never dared to think of mischief or behaving rudely with anyone, and even if he did that terrifying laugh of Grim would resist him from doing that ever Reader Dewar, you’re had a great, chilly, score!


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