Tuesday 7 February 2017

Punjab University BA tenses

Present Simple Tense

Simple:-                                   Subject + Verb + s/es + Object                                  
Negative:-                 Subject + Does/Do + not+ verb + object   (not use of s/es)
Interrogative:-          Does/Do + Subject + verb + object           (not use of s/es)

Present Continues Tense

Simple:-               Subject +  (Is+am+are) + Verb 1st form+ ing + Object                      
Negative:-             Subject +  (Is+am+are)+ not + Verb 1st form+ ing + Object              
Interrogative:-      (Is+am+are)+ subject + Verb 1st form+ ing + Object             

Present Perfect Tense

Simple:-              Subject + has/have + Verb 3rd form + Object (He+she+it=has)
Negative:-            Subject + has/have + not + Verb 3rd form + Object                           
Interrogative:-    has/have + subject + Verb 3rd form + Object                        

Present Perfect Continues Tense

Simple:-                 Subject + has/have+ been + Verb 1st form +  ing + Object
Negative:-              Subject + has/have + not + been + Verb 1st form +  ing + Object
Interrogative:-       has/have + subject + been + Verb 1st form +  ing + Object

Past Simple Tense

Simple:-                                   Subject + Verb 2nd form + Object                              
Negative:-                               Subject + did not+ verb 1st form + object 
Interrogative:-                        did + Subject + verb 1st form + object 

Past Continues Tense

Simple:-                   Subject + was/were + Verb 1st form + ing + Object                          
Negative:-               Subject + was/were + not + Verb 1st form + ing + Object                 
Interrogative:-       was/were + subject + Verb 1st form + ing + Object                          

Past Perfect Tense

Simple:-               Subject + had + Verb 3rd form + Object                                 
Negative:-           Subject + had + not +  Verb 3rd form + Object                                   
Interrogative:-      had + Subject +  Verb 3rd form + Object                                

Past Perfect Continues Tense

Simple:-              Subject + had been + Verb 1st form + ing + Object   
Negative:-           Subject + had + not + been + Verb 1st form + ing + Object   
Interrogative:-    had been + subject + been + Verb 1st form + ing + Object   

Future Simple Tense

Simple:-               Subject + Shall/Will +  Verb 1st form + Object    (i+we = Shall)
Negative:-                 Subject + Shall/Will + not +  Verb 1st form + Object 
Interrogative:-          Shall/Will + Subject +  Verb 1st form + Object          

Future Continues Tense
Simple:-        Subject + Shall/Will+ be +  Verb 1st form + ing + Object(i+we = Shall be)
Negative:-           Subject + Shall/Will+ not +  be +  Verb 1st form + ing + Object
Interrogative:-        Shall/Will+ subject + be +  Verb 1st form + ing + Object
Future Perfect Tense
Simple:-              Subject + shall/will + have + Verb 3rd form + Object (i+we=shall have)
Negative:-           Subject + shall/will + not + have + Verb 3rd form + Object
Interrogative:-    shall/will + subject + have + Verb 3rd form + Object
Future Perfect Continues Tense
Simple:-               Subject + shall/will  have been +  Verb 1st form + Object
Negative:-           Subject + shall/will + not + have been +  Verb 1st form + Object
Interrogative:-     shall/will + subject + have been +  Verb 1st form + Object


Punjab university BA poetry Writer Names & Refrences


Name of Poem
Name of Writer
William Davies
Walter De La Mare
New Year Resolutions
Elizabeth Swell
Woman’s Work
Maya Angelou
The Rebel
D.J Enright
Patriot into  Traitor
Robert Browning
The Huntsman
Edward Lowbury
One Art
Elizabeth Bishop
The Solitary Reaper
William Wordsworth
All the World’s A Stage
Departure and Arrival
T.S Eilot
A Poison Tree
William Blake
Because I Could not stop for Death
Emily Dickinson
Lights Out
Edward Thomas
After Apple Picking
Robert Frost
The Vanishing Village
R.S Thomas
When I have Fears
Jhon Keats
Kubla Khan
S.T Coleridge
Hawk’s Monologue
Ted Huges
Say this city has ten Millions Souls
W.H Auden
W.B Yeats
D.H Lawrence
Images and Impressions
In Broken Images

Reference pattern:-

           These lines have been taken from the poem “………………………….........................……”, written by ……………………………………...

           The above lines will gives you 2 solid marks in your exams.


Reference to the Context:-
“Leisure” تفریح William Devies
          The poet tells us about the sorrowful دکھی situation of the modern man who does not have any spare time to enjoy the nature and its beauty and is always passing his life under the tension of material pursuitsتعاقب ،تلاش .

“Tartary” Walter De La Mare
          In this poem, the poet tells us about the intense desires for becoming the Lord of Tartary, an imaginary land. He tells what type of luxuriant بے حساب  life he would have if he were the Lord of Tartary.

“New Year Resolutions” Elizabeth Sewell
          The poetess tells us about her new-year resolutions in this small but forceful poem. She resolves to face the reality with contention تنازعہ and think about what she is and remain most of the time quite, as silence is gold.

“Woman Work” Maya Angelou
          The poetess tells us in the poem about the dull and colorless routine of household work and later longs بعد میں چاہنا the blessings of natural elements قدرتی عناصر to give her power to love and bear the dull سست برداشت routine life.

“The Rebel”  باغی  D J Enright
          The poet talks in this poem about the behavior of the rebel باغی . It is actually not the character of a real “Rebel”. He is only discussing the character of an adolescent جوانی (کشور) person who wishes to show himself off by breaking the less important channels of behavior.

“Patriot محب وطن ہیرو  into Traitor غدار ” Robert Browning
          The poem tells about such a patriot hero محب وطن ہیرو of his country who is now going to be killed on the charge of being traitor غدار due to some sudden takeover اچانک قبضہ کرنا of the government by a usurperغاصب حکومت (ہڑپنے والی حکومت).

“The Huntsman” Edward Lowbury
          In this poem, the poet tells us about a hunter, Kagwa, who saw a talking skull کھوپڑی in the forest. He reported the matter to the king, and was later murdered. Then he knew how talking could kill a fellow ساتھی

“One Art” Elizabeth Bishop
          In this poem, the poetess teaches us a lesson contentment قناعت and resignation   استعفیto our fate قسمت. She believes that it is not difficult lesson to learn because losing things is a common routine of our life.

“The Solitary Reaper”تنہا  فصل کاٹنے والا  William Wordsworth
          In this poem, the poet tells us how once he was going on a highland way and he passed near a field were a lonely girl was cutting and binding grain as well as singing. The poet enjoyed her song then and enjoy it afterwards. آخری الفاظ

“All the World is a Stage” William Shakespeare
          The poet tells us in this poem that every man and women plays 7 roles during his/her lifetime on the stage of world.

“Departure and Arrival”روانگی اور آمد  T S Eliot
          In this poem, the poet asks us to greet استقبال the new centuryصدی, which is coming with its new gifts and capabilities صلاحیتوں for us. We should make the world a better place in future. We should also work for realization وصولی of an ideal or vision بصارت that should guide us all the times.

“A Poison Tree” William Blake
          The poet tells us in this poem the story of mistrust بد اعتمادی and hatred نفرت with which looked beautiful outwardly ظاہری طور پر but grew so poisonous ذہریلی inwardly
اندرونی طور پر that It killed enemy.

“Because I Could Not Stop for Death” Emily Dickinson
          The poet tells us about her last journey, the journey of her funeralجنازہ  procession. Death comes as a coachman کوچوان  and suitor سائل مدعی  to her and she left all her work, obeyed his call and accompanied ساتھ him to her grave قبر .

“Lights Out” Edward Thomas
          The poet describes the arrival of sleep in this poem. He tells us that it comes like a dark, deep forest where in everyone has to go when the call comes جب بلایا جاتا ہے . Nobody can resist روکنا  the call of sleep. Everything ends with its arrival.

“After Apple-Picking” Robert Frost
           The poet tells us in this poem about his fatigueتھکن  which he has got after a bumperوافر  apple-harvestسیب کی فصل  that he had himself desired. He is so fed up تنگ آ گیا  with the work that he is feeling drowsy اونگھتا ہوا ۔ نیند اآئی ہوئی۔ .

“The Vanishing Village”غائب ہو گیا ہوا گاوں  RS Thomas
          The poet describes a deserted villageویران گاوں  in this poem. There is only one street, a few houses, one innمسافر خانہ  and a shop in the village. The street leads nowhereکہیں نہیں . He wishes for the bettermentسدھار، اصلاح  of the village.

“When I have Fears” John Keats
          The poet tells us about his five fears, which he feels to find the life, love and fameمشہور ہونا  all mortalفانی  and temporary in the world. He wishes to give expression to all his ideas and realize his love. But it is impossible due to the transient جلد گزرنے والا ،دم بھر کا nature of the world.

“Kubla Khan” S T Coleridge
          The poet tells us in this poem how once Kubla Khan, the Emperor شہنشاہ of China, ordered a place to be built. The order was obeyed and a pleasure palace was constructed with sunny domesگمبد  and cavesغار، کھوہ  of ice. The poet wishes to recreate تجدید کرنا the same with the magical power of his poetry.

“Hawk’s Monologue” Ted Hughes
           The poet tells us in this poem about the hawk  بازthat is the lord and the ruler of all the birds of the forest. The hawk is boastingشیخی  of its great physical force, precisionصحت  of attack and overall rule over the birds. It feels that I would maintain its rule forever.

“Say This City Has Ten Million Souls” W H Auden
           The poet tells us in this about the miserableبد نصیب  condition of the immigrantمہاجر  German Jewجرمن یہودی . They face estrangementاجنبیت  and alienationبیگانگی  in the USA. They face numberless بے شمار  barriersرکاوٹیں  and have to live and isolatedجدا کرنا  and miserable lifeبد نصیب زندگی .

“Politics” W B Yeats
           This is sweet little poem that tells us about the importance of love over politics and war سیاست اور جنگ کا خاتمہ , The poet wishes to leave the discussion of politics and was in order to go to the girl standing at a distance and love her.

“Snake” DH Lawrence
          The poet tells us in this poem about the arrival of a consists of different changing sentiments احساسات  and responses of the poet about and towards the snake.

“Fog” Carl Sandburg
          The poet tells us in this poem that the mistدھند  comes over a city very stealthilyرازداری سے  like a cat.

“Autumn” خزاں T E Hulme
          The poet tells us about the appearance of the moon and stars on an autumn night in this poem.
“Metro Paris” Ezra Pound
          In this little poem, the poet tells us how the crowds of persons seemمعلوم کرنا  to him at the station of the underground  زمین دوزrailway in Paris.

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