Saturday 29 July 2017

general knowledge on human body

§  What is the estimated no. of cells that the human body is composed of? Ans: 37.2 trilion
§  What is the amount of blood contains in the human body? Ans: 5-6 litres.
§  With how many bones the human skeletal system is composed of in adult age?Ans: 206
§  What is the largest organ in the human body? Ans: skin
§  What is the largest gland? Ans: liver
§  How many blood groups in the ABO system? Ans: 4
§  How many chambers in the human heart? Ans: 4
§  What is the average blood pressure of human being? Ans: 120/80 mmHg
§  What is the weight of the brain? Ans: 1.36 kg
§  What is the name of covering of central nervous system? Ans: meninges
§  Which part of the brain controls anger, fear, body temperature? Ans: hypothalamus
§  Which part occupies 80% of the brain? Ans: cerebram
§  what is the function of retina? Ans: to create reflection of an image

§  what is the master gland of the body? Ans: pituitary gland


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