Friday 14 April 2017

Matar Palao recipe in urdu


vegetable palao recipe in urdu


Chinees rice pakany ka tareeqa in urdu

Achar goshat pakany ka tareeka in urdu


write a letter to your friend for inviting him for cricket match

House # 5,
Golden Street,

Dear George,

                        How do you do? I hope your family’s good too? How’s your studies going? Hope 
everything’s well and good; and everything’s under control, too.
                        Well, I wrote this letter to tell you that these days I’m practicing and playing baseball because last days, I saw a game of Toronto blue joys a professional team, and it impressed me a lot. You see, now I’ve learnt tactics how to bat and throw the ball all over the field and score a home run; plus I’ve also learnt to pitch hard and strike out.
                        It influenced me so much that now, I’ve made my own team, and my team is having a match with some other team and I want you to be there. Please I beg you, your presence will motivate me a lot! Please, you’re my only hope, because I’m really nervous. I hope you’ll make it then on my game and with your signed cheer foam finger for me!

See you soon,


letter to friend for return of your book

House # 6,

Dear Armstrong,

                        Hello, I hope you and your family are fine and your dog is good too and your studies are going good as well.
                        Well, the reason I wrote this letter to you is that, remember that book about quantum physics I gave you. Well, I need that back, because you see I’ve taken the subject physics this year and it’s an obligatory form to have it. It contains all the right formulas to my success in this year in my exams. I hope you don’t mind me being so informal, after all, who else do I have as a friend.

                        Hope you’ll sent it back to me quick, and in a well condition.

See you soon,


Time poem


                                     Lave men rode dinosaurs now we ride our private jets 
                        it’s hard to believe how transportation changed but it’s just a matter of Time!

It was yesterday I had my first birthday
How I’m having my 12th one,

I don’t know how time elapsed
But it’s just a matter of Time!

For 20 times Robin sons flavored changed
And oreo changed in mini bites,

I don’t how I got through this
But it’s just a matter of Time!

Everything changed through the time
Bananas, book, cutters and lanes of pines,

But people’s bad habits, unfortunately didn’t change

I don’t blame anyone for this but is the fault of time.

a bean tale poem


A ’Bean’ Tale

I eat a Jelly been
From the Sugar machine,

I roast a brown bean
To hare with my school’s dean,

I cook the marshmallow
With its top smarty bean,

I kick the can
Watching Mr. Bean,

Becoming the defective
I am so keen,

Don’t know where I am from in this world of Bean
Because wherever I go, there’s everywhere a bean!


Portfolio Writing It’s Me Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

14-2-2017                                                                                                                              Tuesday
Portfolio Writing # 3

It’s Me! Ah! Ha HaHa Ha Ha Ha!

                        24th, doc street, H: 49, Melbourne, Australia, on 28th of November. Bill Walter, the cool guy on street turned up. As he was walking down the street, in a second, at least 25, people stood up around him. The crowd was walking around him like bees around a flower. Somebody asking him to make friend’s whit him on Facebook, somebody asking for water somebody to be his beast. Finally, after being tired of All of them, he at them all to leave me alone.
                        Well, this was he was the kind of kid, you know he was always very rule to everybody. As Bill walked down the street he took two rounds of the walkway, and went again into his house. He was alone. His parent were on a very important business trip.
                        He heard some voices in the empty house but thought it was loneliness, but again heard some voices. As he took rounds of the house, he didn’t find anything and anyone, but, suddenly, when checking out the dark, and empty store-room, he felt a presence of something behind him. When he looked back, he saw a large, Mysterious, showy Shadowy figure; dressed in a black cope, and as it took off its cape, He (Bill) was extremely terrified to see a Skelton underneath! He raised his voice and said “it’s Me, I am the Grim Reaper! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!”
                        “No!” He (Bill) said, “I don’t want to die ‘now’!” “Nonsense! I have just come to give you a nice field trip to hell”, He said.
                        After saying this, Mr. Reaper made a hole in the wall with his thin, sharp scythe. The hole was totally magical. It was like Hypnostic Reaper took Bill into the hole, who was totally unconvinced to go with.
                        As Bill come through the hole, he saw that he’d entered a place, on environment which had real clouds and red sky. Everywhere people were like zombies and were standing in cues, waiting for their turns, to get punished! “This is what will be left of you, if you continue your attitude like this!” and as soon as Grim said that, through the blink of one eye, he (Bill) was back in his world in normal life, like nothing had happened!

                        But after this incident, Bill never dared to think of mischief or behaving rudely with anyone, and even if he did that terrifying laugh of Grim would resist him from doing that ever Reader Dewar, you’re had a great, chilly, score!

Portfolio Writing a trip to moon

17-Feb, 17                                                                                                              Tuesday
Portfolio Writing
                        Hi! My name is Condor Hacks. I’s an astronaut. I work for NASA. One 9th February, 2004 which is today, I’m going to the mood for a check as Apollo 29, and then after checking out the moon, I’ll go to the International Space Station (ISS). I’ll land over there, to the ISS to, take some pictures of space, collect some supplies, and take a round of inter-galactic Milky-ways in space, and again take some shots and come back to earth.
                        So, in the evening, I left for space-As my rocket gained energy, everybody, including the general saluted me. I felt very proud and full of confidence, and devoted to my goal very much.
                        As my rocket escaped from the atmosphere of the earth, everything started gaining dark colour in it, and suddenly in with the blink of an eye, everything was dull and black and I realized that my dreams came true and I was finally in outer space, and my crew was as happy as me by this wonderful experience.
                        I started taking pictures of everything from every single angle, and noting down every one of my space movements. As we were travelling through space to the moon. I made myself comfortable with my gadgets off and laid down in a sleeping station and slept there.
                        When I wake I couldn’t believe my eyes, I was so proud of myself, I was on the moon. The ground was filled with grayish-coloured soil and it felt like soft, deep foamy mattress. I dug my country’s flag deep into the ground, and saluted the flag, went back to rocket waved good –bye to the moon and flew off to the ISS.
                        As we reached the ISS, we (me and my crew) I charged our gear, dropped off some supplies, picked up some gadgets, finally made some calls with our department officers at NASA and some local schools to wish them luck for the future one share our experiences with the children.
                        So, I set off to explore galaxies and saw beautifully lighten stars and their shines. Finally, I had finished my journey according to the checklist which I had made, I left the space for my return to Earth.
                        As our crew’s rocket reached the earth’s atmosphere, we prepared ourselves to land and Thank God we landed safely and securely, and one thing was definitive to be said, “Mission Accomplished”.


Home sweet home poem


Home Sweet Home
My little dome,

My kingdom heaven
With a laptop and a chrome,

The seasons falling down
A research on chromosomes,

Wherever I go
I miss my ‘Home Sweet Home!


                   Dream is something which is which is more like a movie which we can have for free, as we sleep, we have our dream, which can be wonderful in the sense that it can contain everything good including any kind of magical lands or houses we desire to have. They can also act extremely well as anti-depressant on us.

                   As we are these about something, we start thinking about it deeply and fell in depression, but where do we get help from? Of course! From our nice and good and comfortable dreams.
               When we watch a happy, jolly, joyful and magical land in our dreams, we start feeling lights and looking down and controlling to ourselves. We feel happy, dis-stressed and jolly.
                        In case we have watched a bad thing we behave badly, and tense and our whole day goes bad.
                        Though, how much we think, our start and end of the day still depends on our dream. Think about it, if we don’t have dreams how will we possibly wake up and sleep!

Portfolio writing The Black Cat of House # 13

Tuesday                                                                                                                       21-2-2017


 1.                       25th of October, Brave rely Hills club Street, Chicago. It was a complete cloudy and the weather has remained almost the same since a few weeks. The autumn mode the dry leaves of the almost Baltrees scatter on the ground by strong, cold breezes. All the environment so peaceful and quite, except the sound of cracking dry leaves, who, suddenly, I heard the cry of a cat. I turned back to look and saw a black cat coming out of house 13.

2.                        Mrs. Turner was the owner of that house. Although, she was mostly nice to me, but I always thought of her like a witch as she resembled to one because she talks like one, looks like one octs like one, laughs like one and cries like one, and most importantly had a black cat like one. She had named it Pussy. Pussy went post me one day and then looked back at me with her big, blue, beautiful this devilish eyes. She has beautiful black hair/fur and very smooth and silky skin.

3.                        As Halloween was coming closer, I started hearing weird noises from that house every night and Pussy always screaming (almost all night) and witchy laughs.

4.                        Finally, two days later the time came, it was Halloween. This Halloween was very advance, in the sense that children were visiting every house for trick-or-treating on their overbooks, with their parents on their side, and robotic Machine bells were fixed over people’s house. While taking a round of the street, and observing, I finally came to Mrs. Turner’s house. She was smiling as much as ever, and nobody knew why? When I went post her house she asked me I didn’t agree to have it.

5.                        Anyways, it was 9 ‘O’ clock, and by now Mrs. Turner’s smile had turned in a witch laugh, again but now it seemed to be getting a little evil and exaggerated!

6.                        I started getting tense and when I looked at the door it was closed! I went to the window and took a …….. her, she was cutting something and she wasn’t alone as well! I knocked the door but nobody answered and so I pushed it open and saw! I saw that she was cutting a kid to sacrifice him wither hooded friends and reciting something! Now I realized that, this was what she was preparing to do since those past nights. I grabbed that knife and punched and kicked each of her friend and took the kid off from her, who immediately gained consciousness.

7.                        She and her friend had a dreaded effect. They started Evaporating! And within seconds, they vanished into how here.

8.                        He has been 5 years since that and the house was now empty but the black cat still remains over there, guarding her house and her master’s spirit.


Thursday 13 April 2017

Cream Fruit Chaat Recipe in Urdu


Dahi Boondi Recipe in urdu


Chicken Biryani Recipe in Urdu

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